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Oct 4th, 2021 

Cultured Carrot had the awesome honor of being picked by Texas Farmers Market as a featured vendor for the Fermentation Festival.

We chatted with the lovely Tierra Neubaum from Fox7 Austin. 


Dec 13th, 2021 

Austin Food and Wine Alliance Culinary Achievement Grant  $5,000

Awarded the Les Demas d’Escoffier Celebrating Women of Culinary Achievement 


March 8th, 2022

Voyage Austin Publication

Help hard-working entrepreneurs, inspiring people tell their stories authentically and in their own words.


Oct 3rd, 2022

Cultured Carrot has been invited by Texas Farmers Market to do a demo at the fermentation festival Oct 30th at 11am. Check out festival highlights on CBS News Austin. 

Austin Fermentation Festival Highlights


Spring 2023

The Cultured Carrot was featured in Edible Austin Spring issue in What's on Our Counter.
May 2023
2023 Scholarship Honorable Mention

Click here for list of winners. 


May 18th, 2023
Product Innovation Nominee
One of the three nominees for Innovation and Creativity Awards for 8th Annual Austin Woman's Way Gala & Awards.